expressed satisfaction|express satisfaction in English

showed contentment with, was pleased with

Use "expressed satisfaction|express satisfaction" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expressed satisfaction|express satisfaction" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expressed satisfaction|express satisfaction", or refer to the context using the word "expressed satisfaction|express satisfaction" in the English Dictionary.

1. All expressed satisfaction with the design of the optometry clinical review form.

2. He expressed satisfaction that he had been able to fulfil both these wishes.

3. The Chinese side expressed satisfaction regarding the above-mentioned position of the Russian side

4. The two sides expressed satisfaction at bilateral cooperation for human resources development in Nepal.

5. A person's satisfaction is not part of any greater satisfaction."

6. Those declarations expressed satisfaction and support for the initiative taken in accordance with WIPO procedures.

7. She later expressed how this act of service was a source of satisfaction for her.

8. The representative of Mexico expressed her satisfaction as regards the accomplishments of the Ad Hoc Committee

9. We expressed satisfaction at the momentum in our relationship and all round progress in our cooperation.

10. Some academics believe that customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction aren't mutually exclusive .

11. Despite the general satisfaction with ABC service, noteworthy numbers expressed dissatisfaction in a number of areas.

12. Improve customer satisfaction levels.

13. I will have satisfaction.

14. She laughed her satisfaction.

15. * The Ministers expressed satisfaction at the progress in the work of the Joint Working Group on Culture.

16. Both leaders expressed satisfaction and commended the significant rise in trade turnover during the last two years.

17. Complacence: Contented self-satisfaction

18. Don't give him the satisfaction.

19. She positively beamed with satisfaction.

20. It expressed satisfaction that contracts for Omanthai-Pallai, Madu Road-Talaimannar and Medawachchiya-Madu Road had been signed.

21. So, we'll have no satisfaction?

22. We have an absolutely trouble-free relationship between India and Maldives and both sides expressed satisfaction at that.

23. World peace and personal satisfaction.

24. He nodded with evident satisfaction.

25. His Excellency the President expressed great satisfaction on strong bonds and mutually beneficial relations between Malawi and India.